Add To Cart - Fly Cart
Add to Cart is like a shopping cart in the supemarket, allows you to pick up items you want into one group and pay for all of them. You can add products to cart, control the quantity by adding or removing the items, place the items on hold or add them to your wish list.
Fly cart is an interaction mini cart with many styles and effects. The special effect makes the selected item to fly smoothly into the cart after each click on Add to cart button.
Product Compare
This button supports customer to compare between 2 or more products in wishlist with technical parameters. This function gives you a hand before giving the final decision..

Product Review
This feature allows customer to read reviews about products listed on the website. This allows the buyer to make the more informed purchase and give validity to the product. Customer can also submit product reviews by rating product from one to five stars and writing a comment about the product they bought.

Product Wishlist
Wish lists are collection of desired products saved by customers to their user account, signifying interest without immediate intent to purchase. Wish list give mutually beneficial: they give customers an easy way to remind themeselves of a product and help merchants measure product interest beyond the clear-cut sale.
- Enable product wishlist
- Show product wishlist at list product
- Show product wishlist at product page
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